Call for ESB Conference 2019
5th International Conference on Environmental Specimen Banks, Stockholm 3-5 June 2019. The conference will be a meeting place for presentations and discussions about new techniques and methods for environmental specimen banking, environmental monitoring and new contaminant data for a variety of matrices, including top predators. All based on the theme of the conference -The past, present and future of Environmental specimen banks. Preliminary sessions1. The use of specimen banks in research
2. Monitoring at the top of the food chain - The role of top predators in ESBs. 3. The use of abiotic matrices in environmental specimen banking. 4. Health-related monitoring in humans and wildlife. 5. How can environmental specimen banks support regulation and legislation of chemicals? 6. Environmental specimen banks and new analytical methods.
7. Best practises and quality assurance for collection, sampling and storage of specimens and data. 8. Temporal trends of mercury. Workshop on worldwide mercury levels and trends. Confirmed keynote speakers
More information will comeMore information about program, abstract submission, registration and fees will be presented shortly. |